
Posted in By Jade*

Answers to the Cambridge University video:
(Medieval Education)
1. The Cambridge University 2. conquest and depression 3. 13th century 4. Henry VI 5. because the place was full of houses, shops, lanes, church, and 2 pubs. 6. The King's College 7. Fan vaulted ceiling(find out more about fan vaulted ceiling) 8. 70 years (6 Monarchies)
Answers to the Origins of Policing reading:
(The Origins of Policing)
1. Anglo-Saxons considered a crime to be a crime not only against the victim but also the community.
2. The original significance of doing something against the King's Peace was committing some of the more serious crimes.
3. All the males between the age of 12 to 60 were responsible for catching theives.
4. A tything is a group of men that was responsible for keeping the peace. It was organized in groups of about ten families.
5. A moot is a court.
6. If someone saw a crime, he needed to raise a hue and cry and then all men had to join in the chase to catch the criminal.
7. The origin of the word sherriff is the shire reeve (judge).
8. A posse comitatus means all the available men in the shire.
Answers to Common Thread of Christianity video:
(Common Thread of Christianity)
1. Clovis I was the first Frankish king that converted to Christianity.
2. The Germanic conquerers commanded all the small territories in Europe after the fall of Rome.
3. the answer is a) sercurity
4. Christianity was the common thread of the medieval people.
5. Christianity offered the common people hope of eternal peace.
6. For the earlier Christians, persecution paid for the road to redemption.
7. He elevated the people to the same status as his men. In other words, he recruited them.
8. Clovis's most important legacy is that he emerged the barbarian tribes in the area of France into a super power. He also made a crucial allience with the Roman Catholic Church by converting to Christianity. He was a stablizing force for the chaotic time.
Answers to The Crusades video:
(The Crusades)
1. There were too much soldiers with violent behaviors.
2. The local lords became the principle sources of authority.
3. The clergy relied on the clothes, blood, and bones of the saints.
4. the Peace of God proclaimed that certain individual such as peasants, widows, priests, those who cannot dedend themselves, should not be attacked by knightly violence.
5. The Truce of God proclaimed that certain period of time should be free from knightly violence and warfare.
6. There was 9 crusades in total.
7. c) knowledge