The Worst Job in History - The Medieval Peasant

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"Most medieval people were not knights, kings, churchmen, or merchants. Most (more than nine out of ten) were peasants who eked out hard livings from the land." - A Medieval life by Judith M. Bennett

Video: The Medieval Lives-The Peasant
Peasants are common people. In the Medieval Times, peasants are at the bottom of the feudal system. The medieval peasant life was nothing like the "peasants" today. It was difficult, repetitive, and unfair. These 3 videos are actually part of one program discussing the peasant life in Medieval Times. I believe you will really enjoy these videos because they are witty and easy to understand. For English learners, this is a very good opportunity to practice your listening. He he! :-) A list of vocabulary taken from the videos will also be provided at the end of this post. I hope it helps you to get a better understanding of this wonderful program.
In the beginning, The host Terry Jones takes us to a serious and sophisticated peasant revolt that happened in England in 1381. Through finding out how the simple-minded peasants were able to pull off such an organized revolt, we also get to see in detail the day-to-day peasant life of medieval times.


eke out - to make (a living). Chinese:勉強地維持 Spanish:ganarse la vida a duras penas

witty - amusingly clever in perception and expression. Chinese:機智的;說話風趣的 Spanish:ingenioso, gracioso

rampage - violent or excited behavior that is reckless, uncontrolled, or destructive. Chinese:暴跳;橫衝直撞 Spanish:alborotar

tabloid - a news reporting concentrating on sensational and lurid news, usually heavily illustrated. Chinese:小報 Spanish:tabloide
lunatic - crazy. Chinese:瘋子 Spanish:loco/a
ends - (in this case) final purpose. Chinese:在這裡是說最終目的 Spanish:(en este caso)proposito
cryptic - mysterious in meaning; puzzling; ambiguous. Chinese:隱祕的 Spanish:enigmático
aristocracy - a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, esp. the hereditary nobility. Chinese:特權階級;上層社會 Spanish:aristocracia
feasible - capable of being done, effected, or accomplished. Chinese:可行的;可實行的 Spanish:viable, posible
accommodations - lodging. Chinese:住處;膳宿 Spanish:alojamiento
flea - small, wingless bloodsucking insects. Chinese:跳蚤 Spanish:pulga
reeve - an overseer, origin of sheriff. Chinese:警長的前身 Spanish:origen de sheriff

Reeve and the Serfs (peasants)